Loudoun County, VA - All children, in Loudoun County or otherwise, should be able to learn in the safest and most accepting environment possible. Any teacher who refuses to treat a student with respect by using their correct name and pronouns is creating a hostile learning environment not only for that child, but for any child who is different from a perceived heterosexual and cisgender norm.
Equality Loudoun is disappointed to see Tanner Cross reinstated after making comments that he would purposefully misgender any potential transgender and/or gender nonconforming students in his class. Keep in mind: Mr. Cross has not even met a child in a situation like this, and he has already made up his mind to discriminate against these children. The science behind transgender adults and children is settled and supported by every major medical organization in the United States and the global community. Denying the lived reality of one of the most vulnerable populations, transgender and nonbinary children, is not consistent with the best practices of caring for and protecting children and should have no place in any classroom. It is unsafe for Loudoun students, and we will not tolerate it.
We hope that the Loudoun County School Board will consider the message this sends to LGBTQ+ students, parents, and community members in Loudoun, and take the necessary precautions to protect trans students in our schools.
Equality Loudoun (EQLOCO) is a grassroots organization fighting to promote, protect and defend LGBTQ+ equality in Loudoun County. Founded in 2003 and re-launched in 2017, EQLOCO is a nonpartisan, 100% volunteer and grassroots driven organization currently in the process of achieving nonprofit status.
Equality Loudoun