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King of Pops Chantilly



Joined on September 23, 2023




Badges are a great way to show the work done towards achieving DEIA goals. Learn more.


We sell handcrafted popsicles with a range of flavors from Traditional (Chocolate Sea Salt, Strawberry Lemonade) to Foodie (Thai Iced Tea, Blackberry Ginger Lemonade), all served from a pushcart under a signature rainbow umbrella. The vibe and flavor that we bring are a great addition to any event whether its a neighborhood block party, corporate gathering, resident appreciation, employee appreciation, fire drill, birthday party, an intimate wedding or just hanging out at the pool.

Our mission is to provide Unexpected Moments of Happiness (UMOHs) in and around our communities and we find those moments can come in the form of our desserts combined with our commitment to service.

General Survey

Question: What percent of your organization identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community?

Answer: 0%

Question: What are your policies on LGBTQ+ trainings?

Answer: Not Applicable

Question: How often do you require or recommend LGBTQ+ inclusive training?

Answer: Not Applicable

Question: Which best describes your current policies and procedures for your LGBTQ+ staff?

Answer: Not Applicable

Question: Which best describes your current policies and procedures for your LGBTQ+ clients?

Answer: Not Applicable

Question: How do you create a positive space for the LGBTQ+ community?

Answer: Rainbow umbrella as a symbol; inclusive of everyone

Industry Survey

Question: Which queer organizations have you worked with, donated to, or supported- now or in the past?

Answer: None yet but now Equality Loudoun :)

Question: How do you promote diverse employment among qualified job applicants?

Answer: Open to all.

Question: How do you try to create a queer-inclusive business space?

Answer: Welcoming and open to all.

Question: What are examples of your queer-inclusive policies? (Do you have all-gender restrooms? Do you have a trans-inclusive policy for your facilities? Do you allow customers and/or employees to change their information easily and confidentially?)

Answer: Inclusive to all.


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