Joined on September 18, 2023
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Peer Recovery Support Sessions, Psycho-educational workshops,12-step and non 12-support groups, family support, Medicaid and snap assistance for individuals struggling with substance use disorders and mental health disorders.
General Survey
Question: What percent of your organization identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community?
Answer: Not known.
Question: What are your policies on LGBTQ+ trainings?
Answer: Everyone is required to have LGBTQ-specific training.
Question: How often do you require or recommend LGBTQ+ inclusive training?
Answer: Annually.
Question: Which best describes your current policies and procedures for your LGBTQ+ staff?
Answer: We have policies written specifically for the protection of LGBTQ+ individuals.
Question: Which best describes your current policies and procedures for your LGBTQ+ clients?
Answer: We have a general anti-discrimination clause that cover LGBTQ and other marginalized groups.
Question: How do you create a positive space for the LGBTQ+ community?
Answer: Our staff and space are generally friendly, non-hostile, and open to all people, but nothing LGBTQ+ specific.
Industry Survey
Question: Please list the title that best fits you:
Answer: Peer Support Services
Question: Please list any professional certifications you have:
Answer: State PRS Certifications
Question: How long have you been assisting people who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community?
Answer: 1-2 years
Question: What age group(s) do you work with?
Answer: 18 and older
Question: Is your mental health or medical treatment practices affected, directed, or informed by religious or moral teachings, values, or principles?
Answer: No
Question: Do you have specialized training or background in any of the following fields?
Answer: Working on setting up staff trainings
Question: Do you have specialized training or background in any of the following fields?
Answer: DSM-5 Guidance
Question: Do you encourage, use, or suggest any of the following treatments: conversion therapy (or any therapy that tries to change a person’s identity or orientation); faith-based therapy that describes LGBTQ+ identities as bad, wrong, or harmful; ambush or inundation therapy that exposes a patient to regular anti-LGBTQ+ information or causes confrontation with large groups?
Answer: I don't use these practices.
Question: Do you have a process that allows for treatment of those without insurance?
Answer: All services are free
Question: Does your practice use LGBTQ+ affirming language in its forms and processes?
Answer: Yes